We believe that to bring about meaningful changes in individuals and communities, we must be focused and accountable. At the Y, we measure the success of our cause by how well we engage communities in our three areas of focus: youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
Everyone Is Welcome
Membership Terms & Conditions
Guidelines for Membership
For further details about membership, please review the Lima Family YMCA handbook and program guide. Links available to the right.
Membership Prices with Join Fee
If you are in need of financial assistance for membership please click on the link for further details.
Rights & Responsibilities
- If you want to use a discount group, payroll deduction, sponsorship membership or membership promotion, you will need to come into the YMCA front desk to become a member.
- Prices above include join fees, which is a one-time fee for annual members, or divided over 12 months for bank draft payments. The joining fee is a separate payment that will go away after you have been a member for 12 months. It might not be visible when you first sign up.
- The YMCA of Lima reserves the right to modify, cancel or deny memberships purchased online due to criminal background, past due balances or family member status.
- All membership and/or program balances must be paid prior to membership termination being accepted. Monthly membership dues and other fees (joiner’s fees, program costs, etc.) are each drafted separately.
- Please be respectful of the facility and people at Your Lima Family YMCA.
- Membership dues, activation fees, and program fees are subject to change.
I give my permission to the Lima Family YMCA to use photographs, film footage, or tape recordings, which may include mine or my family’s image or voice for purposes of promoting or interpreting YMCA programs or activities. Participant specifically assumes all risks of injury arising out of his/her presence on the premises of the Young Men’s Christian Association (the “YMCA”), use of its equipment or facility and participation in its activities, whether on its premises or at another location. For myself and my heirs and assigns, hereby waive, release and agree to hold free from all claims for damages the Young Men’s Christian Association and its officers, directors, members, employees or agents. I understand the risks and dangers involved in participating in the programs and activities of the YMCA, are physically capable of participating in such programs and agree not to participate in any activity that may injure myself or others.
I swear/affirm that I am not a registered sex offender in any jurisdiction. Any falsification of this registration form or of the signatures will result in termination of membership.
By participating in the YMCA Nationwide Membership Program, I agree to release the National Council of Young Men’s Christian Associations of the United States of America, and its independent and autonomous member associations in the United States and Puerto Rico, from claims of negligence for bodily injury or death in connection with the use of YMCA facilities, and from any liability for other claims, including loss of property, to the fullest extent of the law.
Membership Agreement
If my membership dues are paid through Credit Card draft or Electronic Funds Transfer, I understand this is a continuous membership plan. This membership will remain in effect for as long as I retain the membership card issued to me. Membership cards are the property of the YMCA and must be surrendered upon demand. It is my complete understanding that if I wish to terminate or change my membership in any way, I must give the YMCA a 30 day written notice.
All membership rates are subject to change with 30 day notice. Members will be notified of changes though email, in-house posts, and on our website. I understand it is my responsibility to notify the YMCA of any change in address, email, bank account (if utilizing bank draft for payment of dues) or credit card information/expiration date (if utilizing credit card for payment of dues.) Memberships are not transferable or refundable. I acknowledge the waiver and membership agreement set forth above and being in sympathy with the Mission Statement of the YMCA, hereby apply for membership.
Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization
I authorize my bank to honor pre-authorized drafts drawn by the YMCA on my account for membership payments and/or contributions. When the bank or credit card carrier honors the draft by charging my account, such drafts constitute my receipt for the payment. We impose a Service Charge of 3.0% on Credit Card transactions, which is not greater than our cost of acceptance. If at any time there is to be a cancellation of my membership, I will come into the Lima YMCA to fill out the proper paperwork and will take 30 days for membership to be canceled. With a balance owed, terminations will not be accepted until past due balances are paid in full.
I accept all provisions of membership set forth above and, understanding the Mission of the YMCA, hereby apply for membership. I understand that information given for my YMCA membership is the property of the YMCA and is kept as confidential.